Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Final Shot at Reflections

Now that we have our new assignment and are moving on, I finally got some reflection shots that I really like. So, enjoy:
We took a trip to Salt Lake to meet with our financial guy and I was able to shoot some pictures.

These ones were taken in Strawberry. I finally found some still water!




This one is the sun reflecting off Starvation. I thought it was magical looking.

Now I am ready to move on.


Jenny said...

Love, love, love it! #1,2,3, and 5. Number 2 hands down is my favorite. I love love love the lines and the clouds. AWESOME Job Sooz!

Sharece said...

You've got some good reflections. I really like the one with the windows and the clouds. It really stood out to me. I like the angle of the lines and how you can see a litte piece of the real sky but it's mostly blue and in the reflection it's mostly clouds. It's very cool.
I also like the old fence-thing in the water (#5) It looks really cool.
And I like #7. The sparkles are pretty. (I like magic!)

Sharece said...

Wow, I did it. I posted on all of them. And it wasn't overwhelming at all! I'm excited to go take my pictures this week!!!