Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shopping for COLOR!

Okay I am ready for a new assignment! I am not sure that I like PINK!


Sharece said...

My favorite is the last one! It's like one of those posters... Be original!
I also like number 3. There are soo many smart waters.

Jenny said...

I liked the word "focus" however I didn't see that until after I came home and downloaded the pictures!

Jenny said...

BTW does anyone else have trouble posting comments! I have about had it! Something needs to change, it never works for me! I HATE IT!

Suzy said...

I have no trouble posting comments. Sorry. That would be so frustrating!!
My favorite in this one is #3 as well. Love the whole thing. I'm ready for the next assignment as well. Maybe we should do "Things in Motion". Then maybe I can learn how to use my camera and set my own shutter speed.