Friday, October 30, 2009

White Balance

Do you ever take those pictures where your white seems to come out orange?? Well tonight I was taking pictures inside and with the flash on everything looked white, but when I turned the flash off, everything went sepia! So I played with my white balance.

#1 AWB= Auto White Balance
#2 Custom= Custom White balance
I set my setting to custom white balance and then took a picture of the white wall. And walah!! My problem was fixed!!


Jenny said...

Tell me more, I need to know about this. What is white balance and where is it on the camera? I do like the before and after fix it picture. I think your walls look good "painted" hee hee

Sharece said...

To find white balance (and your camera's may be a little different) you have to be off of the Automatic Mode. I was just in "P". From there I went to menu. White balance is in the "(Picture of a Camera) 2" on my camera. It is two down and says "white balance". Once you click on that there are about 8 options. (Daylight, Shade, Tungsten, etc...) Have fun playing with it!
I've found that Auto works best most of the time, but once in a while I need to change it. Not often though.

Sharece said...

p.s. if that doesn't make sense... Just give me a ring sometime. :)

Suzy said...

I was playing with my wb the other day. I used my socks as the center point. They really weren't worth posting. No one wants to see my socks and feet, but I did get to play.