I guess I'm trying the Jenny way. I actually had fun and got some shots I love. This first one is just in bw with ISO at 1600. Nothing special done. And no editing. I just think it's cute.
The rest of these shots are done in bw (obviously) with WB set at daylight, ISO 1600, SS 4000, and F 5.0. It took me quite a while of playing with settings to get what I like.

What a stud. He posed all by himself. I just told him to come sit on the step.
This one had a lower F (somewhere in the 4's). I can't remember. But I like how pure and angelic she looks this washed out. Even if she wouldn't let me have her binkie.

I like how the wind was blowing the hair out of her face in this next one. And the sassy look.
I think these are cool! I like how Braydee is cropped off to the side in #6, the shadows under her chin makes her chin more defined. The sweeping hair across her face is so cute. I wish you could see all of the other eye, but cute cute picture... I even like how her mouth seems to be closed more tightly than normal. Gives her face character. Glad you got some shots you like... BTW I STILL HATE THE COMMENTS THIS WAY!
I don't have time to comment on all right now but I will later. One more thing... I can't believe how blonde the kids are, with this light of pictures it makes it look even lighter! Amazing... #5 is another favorite, the dark shirt the profile... fun fun!
Oh did you change the photo's to B&W or does your camera do that?
My camera was set on monochromatic, so no, I didn't change them, they were taken this way. No altering done whatsoever. I also wish that I could see all her eye in #6, but I was just so lucky to get a shot of her actually looking at me that I am thrilled!! She is in motion WAY too much! Thanks for the comments. And BTW why are the comments set back up this way? I though the other way was working...
I don't know how to set my camera to monochromatic... How do you do that?
I don't have issues with editing. Sometimes I do edit, I would say most of the time I don't.
Sharece didn't like the comments the other way. They just don't post for me this way... it takes 3 to 4 times and usually I have to rewrite it each time!
Jenny, I don't know how you change your setting. Mine just has a button that you push and then has a bunch of options: Standard, Monochromatic, Portrait, Neutral...actually I have no idea what 3 or 4 of them even are. I will investigate. If you can't find that on your camera, than I'll look next time we're together.
I absolutely love these pictures! I think they all turned out so good. I even made Bryce look at them. (And he likes them too, of course.) Next time we get together, you two will have to show me how to do this!
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