Playing in the dark.

This is not my type of assignment, but it will be good to learn. I just need help, I think. I am a shoot and click and capture. I don't like to mess with all the stuff. Mostly because I don't understand all the stuff. I played with my white balance, ISO, shutter speed, aperture and didn't get anything I like. Here's what I got last night.
Pic #3 took me a min to figure out what you had really taken a pic of. I absolutely love that it looks like many things of my imagination, until I figured it out. It made me think, like that too. You and Jenny are way out of my league!! Maybe if I'm lucky my dad will let me borrow his old school camera to tinker with shutters and such so I can pretend to be as smart and talented as you guys!
I also really like #3. At first I wished that the corner was black like the rest of the background, but I think that it gives a little demension to the picture so now I'm not sure. I love the lighting... the flames are just the right color. Very fun.
And Amanda, we live close enough, you could borrow my camera for a bit to tinker with. :)
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