Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Self Portrait

I HATE pictures of myself, but I was unable to find a willing subject, so unfortunately here I am. It does help you get a closer look at yourself. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I wish I would have done a more interesting background. Oh well. My portrait assignment is done. Next???


Jenny said...

TRIPOD? Or did you have someone else snap it for you? Nice, I don't think I am up for self portraits yet! I need to like my outside more.

Sharece said...

You're beautiful! I'm excited to move on. I think portraits are fun when you have someone to take pictures of, but overall standing objects are more willing to get their pictures taken. :)

Jenny said...

I agree portraits are fun and I would love to do them again in the future but onward with more willing "standing" objects!