I don't really love any of these, but this is Fruitland Life. We don't have any old stores or train stations or any of that. Just some old wood homes that amaze me. I can't believe people actually lived in these. What an adventure. No water. No heat. No bathroom! And in most of them I can't even stand up straight, or even come close to standing up straight.

I've never been a big fan of Sepia colored pictures, but it's growing on me. These seem to work, at least in my opinion.

I tired to play with the effects and stuff to make them look more interesting. Maybe I needed to be closer, but unfortunately I was closer already than I probably should have been. I would have like to look inside, but I didn't dare get any closer.
First off I am going to number them 1-6.
Okay, #3, I love the black and white and I love the long grass blown across the front. It seems to have movement to the photo, love it.
#6 I like the color, deep and rich but the front seems to have too much going on, I think I would like to see #6 in black and white and # 5 in color, and maybe cropped closer. #3 I love the strange blueish color in the roof, I think the color is awesome, I love the strange color's found in these building, if you couldn't already tell. :)
#2 Sepia, I have a hard time with sepia. But I love the shadows, warmth, and lines in this one, I think the sepia is perfect.
I think the first two look great in sepia. I think it gives a little warmth to the wood. I love the type of stuff you have all around you out there. It's very fun! My very favorite on e is the third on down. The lines are good in it, I like how it fills up the whole frame, very good.
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