

I tried to play with the hand-held mirror. I hate mirrors and therefore, don't own a big one to do stuff with.


I stopped to look for my lens cap which I had misplaced, and this fun tree was reflected in my window.

I stopped to look for my lens cap which I had misplaced, and this fun tree was reflected in my window.

This is a statue on my mom's coffee table. It was kind of fun. I wish I had it at home to play with it some more.

This is a statue on my mom's coffee table. It was kind of fun. I wish I had it at home to play with it some more.
This was a fun idea. I wanted to see Lana's face in the clock as if she's looking ahead in time. I never did get a shot that I like.
The wind has been blowing so much everywhere that I can't find a calm lake to get some shots. This was my best try so far.


My kids are such good sports to ride along and put up with so many hours in the car. I take too many pictures. I know that now.

My list of ideas are...
windows - looking out or a window reflecting the sky/something
water - (kiddo pool,lake,puddle,drip)
Mirror - Car (side or rearview,) House, compact, sunglasses, forever reflection
Bubbles - on water or blowing
Glass - Drinking with water in it or just decorative glass
Metal - Brass silver
Wet Surface -
i have not had good luck, I have tons of ideas and I went for a drive today and nothing, I didn't take one picture of reflections.
I like #1, #8 #9...
#15 is great because you can see you taking the picture and well because babies are just great.
I love #9 I guess I need to stop looking for reflective water and take a compact out with me when I am taking pictures.
The music on the black piano is great too.
#1 is nice, I love the narrowing of the land but the full reflection of the mountain.
#8 is gool with the flower on the mirror, pretty flower.
I need more time with this assignment
Looking at Jenny's photos I realized I forgot to number them. Sorry. I'll go back and do that now.
Hey girls, I'm finally here! I really like #1. That is a great reflection! You can even see the clouds in the water. I like the symmetry going on.
I also like 9 & especially 10. I love that you can see the landscape in the mirror and then the grassy ground behind it. It's great!
You had a lot of really cool ideas. The Lana in the glasses is pretty clever! You did a great job for not getting a shot that you love!
I really like that you tried lots of different things. I really like #1 and #8 the ones with Austin's sun glasses, and the one with Lana and Bryadee in the back seat.
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