Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wanna BE!

SO, I should be packing but I wanted to post my "this will be a cool picture" wanna b's for you both.
I loved the soft fern feel to this and thought it would be great. I think the light on the leaves is awesome, the dark in the back great, but overall BORING! Here is my beloved ladder with candy wrapper combo!

TOOO Crooked for some reason!

I loved this blossom but in needs to be moved over to the left a hair. I don't like the positioning of the bud/tree.

Last I hate the shadow on the rock, it bugs me. I find myself looking at the shadow more than the flower. Try it, look at the flower your eye is drawn over to the SHADOW, hate that!


Suzy said...

You are too funny. I see the flower, not the shadow, but the artist has to love it. If it bugs you then it's not right. And I love the fern. You're right, the light is good and it looks soft. It's not boring, just simple. You must like the splash of color feel of things....we'll see as we progress.

Sharece said...

I actually really like the bud one. I think it's great. As for the flower on the bottom, I saw the flower too! You could crop out the side with the shadows?