These are my boring, what was I thinking, bad light or whatever shots. Any advise will be appreciated.

This one is just boring. Dark. Yuck.

This is the fun stuff growing in my ditches out in the field. Not too interesting.

Just a tree. Too close? Boring.

Grass is usually fun, but mine is pretty dead and boring. Not the best light either.

Not a a bad picture, but not my favorite shot. Too much focus on the leather couch it is on instead of the flower.

This is a dog print if you can't tell. Just dull. Hard to see. Shadows too dark.
Suz, I have 3 or 4 real nice shots of tree bark too. I tried to find knots or branches coming out but still just a tree.
I do however like the dark shadows in yours, I don't have anything like that in mine!
As for your grass, I love that it is dark on top and then lightens up as you view the bottom of the photo, NICE! Oh and you know my thoughts on the ditch green gunk, I will forever be in love!
I thought the tree bark was a rock at first. And the grass almost looks like there's frost on it!
But I think you're right about the dog print. It's cool, but I think their might be too much going on in the dirt next to it.
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