Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Close Up and Personal...

Well here are a few of mine. And yes, they are all of plants! (Well I guess all but one.) Spring just makes me think of new life and I love all of the green and flowers popping up around me!
Let me know what you think.

And THANKS Jen for setting this up!


Suzy said...

I love the third one down, the orange bunch of flowers (I don't know flowers). I like seeing the life behind them.
I think they are beautiful!
The leaf one where you can see the flowers in the background is cool.
This is fun!

Jenny said...

The smushed ho ho is my favorite. It is not that it is a ho ho (or what ever it is) it is that the way it is smushed. Not in half, not whole, torn... a torn ho ho can be very deep!
Next is the last one, the shadows in the turns/curls did the right thing for me. And then my third pick is the white tree flower. I love the way the white catches your eye with the green behind. NICE NICE

Sharece said...

That's funny. Close-ups can be decieving. The white tree flower is actually a tiny little flower that grows all over the ground. The flower itself is probably as big as a fingernail. :)