Monday, November 16, 2009

4 of 10

"F" is for foot.Close-up
Picture from above.


Sharece said...

Ok, I LOVE the foot! I must have something with feet, because I love foot pictures. Baby feet are just so stinking cute. The way the blanket is around it is just great, and I like how most of it is in focus except a little in the courners. Gives it good depth of field.
The picture from above is fun. I like how Melana's hair is sprawled out all over, and how Braydee is holding her feet above her head. Quite fun.

Jenny said...

The cloud picture is awesome... how did you do that?
I agree with Sharece too, Braydee holding her feet up looks great.

Suzy said...

Braydee holding her feet up was totally unplanned. As you can imagine, she couldn't sit still.
The clouds is nothing special. I just shot straight at the sun when it was surrounded by clouds. That's probably not good for my camera, but at least I have a UV filter....