Hello Ladies. I titled this post "Night Horrors" because my pictures are pretty scary....meaning, they are pathetic. I don't have any city lights to play with so I had to try to be creative, and unfortunately it sucks. I do love this moon shot. It's a lot like the other one that I posted for the assignment, but a different night. I wish I had a big old zoom lens!
I know these aren't technically night shots, but kind of. Silhouettes are really hard as well. Especially when Austin in in constant motion.

So I decided to wait until it got pitch black outside and then break out one little lamp and try to play with that light. I must have taken a hundred pictures and I only have one I like and it still is really dark.
This is the one I like. Kind of a cool color. This is the flower I posted in reflections (the orange one). I love the red-orange glow they have in here.




Then I tired of trying flowers so I tried some of my Willow Tree figurines. Nothing too exciting here.


Then I tired of trying flowers so I tried some of my Willow Tree figurines. Nothing too exciting here.

This one is actually just before sunset. It was the other day when it was so windy that you couldn't see anything because of all the dust in the air. I thought it looked really cool, so I decided to share.



I need to make a night trip into town to get some headlights or streetlights or something.
I really like the moon one and Austin is fun to see in a sillouette twisting around and everything!
I have an idea if anyone wants to try it. It needs to be REALLY dark so it'd probably work good out there. When it's pitch black you leave the shutter open and draw pictures in the air with a light sorce (like a flash light or something) The picture will be black except wherever you moved the light. It might be fun?
O and I really like #4. I think the coloring is beautiful.
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