Tuesday, August 31, 2010

#6 Edited


Some of these are better than others, but I thought I'd post them all. Let me know what you think... Even if ya don't like 'em. :)

A by Sharece

Suzy, it's funny that you say B is so hard. I finally got my camera out and went for a walk with my kiddos, and all I saw were B's... A's are the hard ones for me!

I only got 2 A's and I don't know if I love either one. Here they are though. I'll keep looking around and see if I can get some better ones.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jen's A

(Haha, lovely title don't you think?)
Anyway, this is just a really quick edit, but I wanted to show you what I meant in my comment.

Saturday, August 21, 2010








I thought it was a B but nope, It is an "A"

I took this picture for the "B" post then I noticed if I cut a little off it looked better as an "A." Maybe I will post both pictures and you tell me what you think?????


I think I would like to frame my childrens names with these letters! A is in all 4 names, I think I like Soozy's A the best so far, the twig one!





I think if I did do this for my kids rooms, I might make them all B&W, with fun deep tones.???
I really like number one, however it seems dark? I took all these pictures at the wrong time of day, lots of shadows.